Introducing Invoke Workflows

The Invoke platform.
Accelerate your creative production pipelines
Workflows allows users to design, save, and share step-by-step image synthesis processes. Once created, Workflows are run by your team through an easy-to-learn, configurable interface. Get your team quickly setup and creating stunning assets for your projects without the steep learning curve of most generative AI tools.
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Press Release
Read more about Invoke Workflows on our blog
Intuitive Workflow Builder
Drag-and-drop interface to easily create and visualize node-based workflows. Tailor every step of your creative process with precision and ease.
Workflow Template Library
Access a growing library of workflow templates designed for various creative tasks and production pipelines. Save your custom workflows and share them with your team.
Simple Template Deployment
Deploy your workflows with a simple, streamlined interface, making complex generative AI processes accessible to non-technical users. Users only see the fields you highlight, while the workflow handles the rest of the generation process.
Node Library
Build workflows from our library of secure nodes to fit your unique project needs, from proprietary style generation to specific image manipulation tasks.
Commercially-friendly License
Our permissive licensing sets us apart. Whatever you create with Invoke remains your intellectual property, fully available for commercial use without the constraints of restrictive licenses like other tools.
JSON Import and Export
Export your workflows as JSON files for easy sharing or archiving, and import JSON files to quickly set up new workflows.
Where can I find existing workflows for Invoke?
How do I learn how to use Workflows?
Can Invoke develop a custom workflow for me?
How much does Invoke Workflows cost?
What are some examples of how Workflows are used?
Can I share workflows with my teammates?
Start Free
Invoke Indie comes fully loaded with all the features you need to get started generating production-ready assets and workflows. Sign up for a free trial and start exploring everything that Invoke has to offer.
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Talk to Us
Contact us to discuss options for Enterprise licenses, which can include custom model and workflow development, single tenant hosting, and added security & compliance features like SSO, as well as volume discounts for users.
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